Thursday 21 July 2022

Weekend Mani and Life Update

Hey Friends!

Long time no chat, its been an eventful few weeks, on the 20th June 2022 I had my left cataract removed and an internal contacts inserted, right after the operation I could see the window in the waiting room area, it was very blurry but its slowly been getting better and better with each day.

On the 25th July I go in to have the right eye cataract removed and internal contact lens fitted, I expect I will not be able to see much for a while as my eight eye was the dominate one for years when the vision in my left eye was like looking through a frosted glass window.

Below is the manicure I wore on the day of my surgery, it was so fun as the hospital staff were fascinated by the polish reacting to temperature and they totally took my mind off the op, the op itself was painless and only lasted approx 20 minutes.

I dont wanna go into what happens because people can be squeamish, you can go look at youtube videos if you fancy, I did and I kinda wanted to see my own op lol.

My nails for the op, base was two coats of Fancy Rose cream from Fancy Gloss then stamped with a hunch of Virago Varnishes, I used a couple of Kads plates.

I have picked up the Pink Palette from Zoya and I will be doing a comparison post but I dont know when that will be, its all dependant on how the op goes and how the eye heals, I could see pretty well by the end of two weeks but it was still blurry.

My weekend mani is a base of Fancy Gloss Ceto an unusual brown (cold) to bright turquoise (hot) thermal, opaque in two coats, I stamped with Virago Varnish Strap Down Overalls using Lina Summer 01 plate.

I also had to remove the top row of Zoya from the wall as I was out of space.
You can see the process below. My Zoya total is now 705.

The cats were very slow over the warm weather the last few days. Ellie in particlar was very floppy.


  1. Amazing nails :-D And cats <3 I love them :-D

    Good luck for 25th :-D I really hope my reschedule arrives soon. Felt kinda crap today as I was meant to have mine today :-(

    1. Will keep my fingers crossed they reschedule quickly.
