Saturday 16 December 2023

Comparison Request between Fairleigh, Alicia and Tilly

Hi Friends

A quick comparison request between Fairleigh, Tilly and Alicia.

Left to right Fairleigh, Tilly and Alicia, no dupes, you can really see the purple tone in Fairleigh, Tilly doesnt have the holo sparkle glitters that Fairleigh does, Alicia is more like Tilly but she has that super strong golden shimmer flash and is not a texture finish.

Lat pics are cat tax, the furkids had to be confined to the conservatory and catio as we were having a bit of work done in our ensuite.  When they were released back into the house Obi needed some major fussing. Normally they avoid my office as its always dark and they cant see out the windows.


  1. Thank you!!! Wow, I thought Tilly was more purple. Obi is very cute! I like his little teeth poking out :)

    1. Same, I was sure Tilly was more purple than grey lol his is Vampyre Kittie :)

  2. I love him! He has the vampire teeths that my Chiana has - too cute :-D

    Lovely polishes :-D
