Wednesday 24 March 2021

A Zoya A Day - Kat and Reece

Hey Friends

Today on the blog we meet Kat and Reece

Available on USA website - Yes
Available on the UK website - Yes
Brush used - Original
Does it stamp - Yes
Name - Kat
Year - 2000
Number - ZP0224
Coats - 2
Finish - Metallic
Collection - Classic
Colour - Pink
Topcoat - No

Kat by Zoya can be best described as a medium rose-pink with mauve undertones and frosty gold and pink toned shimmer

Available on USA website - Yes
Available on the UK website - Yes
Brush used - Original
Does it stamp - Yes
Name - Reece
Year - 2010
Number - ZP0609
Coats - 2
Finish - Metallic
Collection - Reverie
Colour - Pink
Topcoat - No

Reece by Zoya can be best described as a rose metallic duochrome. A frosty hint of gold creates a unique “oil-slick” rose-gold.

Kat is a stunner, I love the red undertone and gold flash to this, good formula, no running or pooling and opaque in two coats, this stamps but you'd need to use a pale base for this to show up.

Reece is very unusual its a pink with a strong green shimmer flash, good formula, no running or pooling and opaque in two coats, this stamps better than Kat.

So pics of Mr Shiny Obi :)


  1. These are gorgeous :-D

    Is Obi okay?

    1. Yip Obi is his usual stunning self :)

    2. I wondered since you had a sad face. I started to worry! Good boy Obi <3

    3. Agh, didnt notice it was a sad face! D'oh! fixed it to s smiley face!
