Friday 29 January 2021

A Zoya A Day - Chloe and Monet

Hey Friends

Well its the end of January already, can you believe it?.

Today on the blog we meet Chloe and Monet

Available on USA website - No
Available on the UK website - No
Brush used - Z Wide
Does it stamp - No
Name - Chloe 
Year - 2012
Number - ZP0584
Coats - 2
Finish - Flakie
Collection - Fleck Effect
Colour - Pink
Topcoat - No

Chloe is a discontinued polish from Zoya, I would describe it as a pale pink base packed with multi-coloured flakie bits.

Available on USA website - Yes
Available on the UK website - No
Brush used - Original
Does it stamp - No
Name - Monet
Year - 2014
Number - ZP0726
Coats - 2
Finish - Special Effect Glitter
Collection - Awaken
Colour - Pink
Topcoat - No

Monet by Zoya can be best described as a multi-coloured, cellophane holographic special effect topper.

Chloe is the second polish with that name that Zoya have done, we'll see the other Chloe soon as she is also a pink. This one has an ok formula, its a topper rather than a polish, it looks good over any colour, I've showed it over black so you can see the flakie colours better.  Its a tiny bit base heavy but if you use the dab and place method you should be good. The Fleck Effect collection is one of my favourites and Zoya didnt keep these polishes in their collection for very long before they were discontinued which is a real shame as they are stunning.

Monet is a another topper, this one is a pinky base with round glitter particles of multi-colours also. Again slightly base heavy so the dab and place method is good or you could sponge this on as well, it is glitter so its going to be a pain to remove if you dont use a peel off base coat of some kind.

The greasy marks are from a mat I was using in my helmers before deciding on doing wall shelves for the Zoya. I've also changed the mats I was using, I dont want greasy marks on my polish labels.


  1. I have Chloe and the other 2 from that set. Both are nice toppers :-D

    Yes I cannot believe how fast this month has gone in...what does that mean? We are getting old :-| Or something else?

    Hope you have a nice weekend :-D How is the boy doing now? Is he better?

    1. I think the time going quick means we're not as bored lol Obi is doing fabulous, he finished his course of meds and is back eating dry foods no problems.

  2. Oh brilliant, glad to hear he is doing well :-D

    Yes, that is a good take, not as bored! I like that :-D

    1. :) I've been finding lots of things to watch and read, although I need to up my reading game, need to get back into reading every day not just when I have a long bath on a sunday!

    2. I have a 2 year old, so find time is hard. I wanna do stuff but she is demanding! Cats are easier haha!

      I posted pics of my girls on the photo blog: Abby at the front and Chiana sniffing Trevor haha Chiana standing proud while Abby sleeps!

    3. Oh my goodness! your kitties are stunning!! I dont have any kids, never wanted them, much prefer cats :)

    4. Thank you :-D Cats are the best. Kids are hard work, hoping it is worth it :-| At least she likes cats though, good start haha! And her first word was 'cat' and she goes about meowing :-D

    5. Aww thats cute her first word was cat! thats a very good start!
